Mind Spark Solution


Effective Date: 01/09/2022
This PRIVACY POLICY states the how we at Mind Spark Solution application protect our user’s privacy when they use the apps and the website by developed and published by us.


We never collect nor share any sort of information that the users of our apps provide acess to our apps. The information is stored within the user’s device itself. We seek permission to acess the device storage and camera just to click the images with the camera so that you can get on with editing process or get the picture that is to be edited via gallery option and for saving the final outcome of your editing process to your device. User privacy is our first priority. 


We may partner with many ad networks or ad providers that serve ads on behalf of us. Our ad policies are simple and stringent to not to obstruct user flow and we make frequent changes to these ad placements just to ensure everything is under the right spirit. Also we here opt out of any misleading advertising from our ad networks just to create a safe user environment.


GRABBING GAME STUDIOS SERVICES use google analytics and other analytics provided in play console and admob to keep a track on the functioning of our apps and site. For more information about how Google Analytics collects and uses data when you use our Site, visit www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners , and to opt out of Google Analytics, visit tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout. 


All our apps are not intended to those who are below 18. We encourage parents or guardians to look after what their children are after in their mobiles.


For any concerns or feedback about the privacy policy feel free to mail us at. info@techzoneapps.com.Your feedback is appreciated. 


The privacy policy might be subjected to changes from time to time. We encourage users to keep checking the site frequently for effective date and changes if any are made as we believe that the existing users are complaint to our privacy policies at any moment.